About Us Strategy
The NBI’s strategy is underpinned by the following fundamental beliefs:
We believe that:
- A sustainable society is possible.
- The social contract between business and society needs to be re-negotiated.
- Business success is inextricably linked to a thriving society, building trust and relationships with government and other key stakeholders.
- Collective action between business, government and civil society will support large scale system change in a sustainable way.
We believe in:
- The role of business as a key enabler shaping and achieving a sustainable future.
- The NBI’s strategy to drive business participation in an economic transition and social transformation.
We drive conversation and participation, leading to action, through 3 areas:
To achieve our strategic objectives, the NBI’s work is divided into the core work streams of strategic projects, environmental sustainability and social sustainability:
Our work streams are strongly influenced by the local and international guidance provided by the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The work streams have a suite of projects across our three ways of working (i.e. thought leadership, capacity building and collective action programmes/projects) that align to deliver the NBI’s strategic objectives.
About Us Ways of Working
Our strategy and ways of working are intended to result in three key outcomes:
Trusted Implementation Partner
NBI members are recognised as a source of innovation and positive action and as a trusted implementation partner.
NBI members have actively implemented collective action projects and influenced policy through business-led solutions.
We believe in
NBI members are sufficiently respected to speak out, through directed courageous conversations, against mismanagement, poor practice and corruption in both the public and private sector.
As well as the strategic outcomes, we also provide significant short term value to our members:
By providing inexpensive training and current affairs knowledge; we enable our companies to run leaner. We help assure our members that they are focussing on the correct issues in the correct context.
Trust Building…
The NBI continues to operate as a bridge between two different agendas, namely business and public policy. Whereas public policy focuses on social demands and political priorities, business focuses on economic and financial priorities. However, despite these differences the two sectors more often than not have the same outcome in mind: a sustainable society. The NBI, where relevant, plays a bridging role between its members and government, thereby giving its members an opportunity to substantively engage in collective action in national interest issues.
Collective Action Impact…
The NBI helps member companies anticipate business sustainability trends, risks and opportunities with programmes demonstrating a combination of strategic thinking and practical implementation. This builds resilience to social and environmental risks. Furthermore, through the power of collective action, global and local sustainability challenges can begin to be solved.
Through Leadership…
We help to build parity in knowledge, understanding and capacity across our members, to assist them in successfully integrating sustainability into their business.
By creating a community (that includes peers, government, funders and experts) around core issues we further companies’ ability to get things done. Key to this are safe channels of communication with Government.
Authenticity & Credibility…
Our independence and challenging outlook provides a company and funders with authenticity and reputation benefits by association. Our expert advice enables companies to make decisions with confidence.
Capacity Building…
We help to build parity in knowledge, understanding and capacity across our members, to assist them in successfully integrating sustainability into their business.
The NBI’s Impact
Our impact is only possible through a strong, active and engaged membership base, which is in essence the NBI. It is NBI members that give substance to the role of business in shaping a sustainable future, not only through their support of the NBI but through active involvement, based on this mutual drive towards a sustainable and thriving society.
The NBI, as a voluntary non-mandated association of companies, mobilising business leadership and resources for specific action/programmes/projects, does not claim to represent the views of its member companies.