Connecting Research and Practice for Sustainable Business – Johannesburg
October 13, 2017 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Managers and researchers are collaborating to address knowledge needs associated with sustainable business. What are we learning from these partnerships, and how do we make them more effective?
The National Business Initiative (NBI) and the Network for Business Sustainability (NBS-SA) are hosting a morning workshop to discuss what we are learning from and about partnerships between researchers and managers. Such partnerships are becoming increasingly prominent as managers face important questions when integrating sustainability into business strategies and practices.
Please click ACCEPTshould you wish to attend this session.
The National Business Initiative (NBI) and the Network for Business Sustainability (NBS-SA) are hosting a morning workshop to discuss what we are learning from and about partnerships between researchers and managers. Such partnerships are becoming increasingly prominent as managers face important questions when integrating sustainability into business strategies and practices.
Please click ACCEPT should you wish to attend this session.