Energy Scenarios
The NBI has developing socio-economic scenarios to help understand the uncertain environment in which stakeholders in our society operate. We believe that the socio-economic and political context in which we need to make decisions will shape the kinds of technologies and systems we implement across a range of development areas from energy to water and skills development.
As a pilot we will use these scenarios to give a business perspective on energy opportunities for South Africa. The project is on-going and we recently held a Round Table discussion with economists, government officials, a political analyst, WWF, and business executives to understand the key drivers for scenarios of the future in South Africa, both for the general socio-economic-political context and for energy futures.
Socio-economic drivers impacting South Africa’s Future
Socio-economic drivers impacting South Africa’s Future
May 2016
In exploring the drivers for socio-economic change we used a World Economic Forum framework based on global surveys with leading business executives. We tested this approach for local relevance with an advisory group of NBI members. Since South Africa has an open society and economy, the global drivers provide a useful high level guide but local outcomes clearly need to take into account our very specific circumstances.
If you would like to be part of this study please contact Steve Nicholls.
Socio-economic drivers impacting South Africa's Future
May 2016