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Nature Based Solutions



Ecological Infrastructure for Water Security

South Africa’s water security is dependent on sustained investment in catchment management. There is growing recognition that healthy water catchments not only underpin water security, but that investing in water catchments offers a cost-effective means to enhance this security. In spite of this, there has been a steady decline in much of South Africa’s natural infrastructure over the past few decades, particularly in relation to our rivers and wetlands.

To help address this growing threat, the NBI is a partner in the 5 year Ecological Infrastructure for Water Security project, which works to mobilise investment for the rehabilitation and maintenance of South Africa’s critical water catchments.

The project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is being led by the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Development Bank of Southern Africa, supported by the Water Research Commission, NBI and WWF South Africa, along with a host of additional partners.

The Ecological Infrastructure for Water Security project focuses on 3 main areas:

  • Creating an enabling environment for improved catchment management in South Africa (through supportive policies, financing mechanisms and the development of national natural capital accounts)
  • Strengthening on the ground implementation in two priority catchments (focusing on the Greater uMngeni and the Berg-Breede)
  • Sharing the knowledge generated through the project to mobilise further action
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