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Swiss Ambassador’s visit to iLembe IRM Hub

On Monday 19th April 2020, the Swiss Ambassador and the Head of Swiss Economic Cooperation and Development (SECO) in South Africa, along with the KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs and local government leaders from the district, paid a visit to the Umfolozi TVET College Mandeni Campus during which they visited the site of the iLembe IRM Hub, which is under construction there. The iLembe IRM Hub, through combined funding from SECO and GIZ, and in partnership with Umfolozi TVET College, will support the development of existing and start-up Installation, Repair and Maintenance (IRM) enterprises in the surrounding township and village communities, providing intensive enterprise and skills development, as well as increased market access. Through this support, the Hub will enable increased demand for skills and jobs in these communities.

During the visit, Dr Anthony Gewer, Programme Manager in the NBI’s Social Transformation Unit and Programme Lead for the IRM Initiative, introduced the various dignitaries and stakeholders to the IRM Hub and highlighted its planned purpose in promoting economic inclusion, enterprise development and job creation in the iLembe district.

The Hub is due to be launched in early June 2021, by which time the first 10 enterprises will have been selected to participate in the support to be provided through the Hub. Sappi Southern Africa has come on board as a lead partner on the establishment of the Hub and has committed to supporting local IRM enterprises through the Hub as part of their enterprise and supplier development strategy.

Please contact Dr Anthony Gewer for further information:

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